Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sally the pumpkin cat

Grace had to decorate a pumpkin for school and she told me that she wanted to make her pumpkin look like a cat.  So we got the black paint, a black boa (fyi, when you cut a boa, feathers go everywhere), pipe cleaners, eyes and cat nose.  Grace painted the pumpkin all by herself and I added the ears and put on the tail.  Brandon put on the eyes and then she stuck on the mask and added the whiskers.  She has had a bow on that pumpkin since the day we brought it home so it was only natural that she would put the bow on the cat pumpkin too!  She named the cat Sally.  She has wanted a cat for over a year now and we can't have one because I'm allergic, so this is as close as it gets for her.  It was a lot of fun working on it as a family and she was very proud to take it to school and show everyone!

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