Sunday, October 18, 2009

How I love to watch her play!

Grace will be 5 in January and when she plays it is so fun to watch.She is an only child most of the time (her half sisters are here every other weekend) so she gets pretty creative with her dolls and her animals. And I tend to play with her much of the time too, even if she is a little bossy! I walked into the playroom this weekend and she had her blanket layed out on the floor with her favorite animals (lots of pigs, her favorite) and she was watching a movie.  She had dug through her drawers and found this little red hat and put it on too. I asked her what she was doing and she told me that her and her animals (all named Sally) are about to
 go to the festival and it's cold there!

On Sunday she was playing with barbies and I asked her how many barbies she has (keep in mind that she has inherited most of these barbies from her sisters).  Well she lined them all up and counted and there were 20 barbies.  We decided that we would put some up and only keep 8 out to play with.  She said that we could give them to another little girl that didn't have barbies.  I'm trying to decide whether to keep the barbies forever or actually give them up.  What to do?


KK said...

I'm certain mom has every toy we ever played with in the attic and if you ask her opinion she'll snatch them up and store them for you before you have a chance to give them away :)

Cause I said so... said...

Love the blog! What a sweetie. I wish our gals could play together...or the drama and fun that would go on there! Hope you guys are doing super!