Sunday, October 18, 2009

Field trip fun

Grace went on her first field trip with Ms. Hart's class.  She went to the pumpkin patch and had a pretty good time...however I went with her and she decided that she wanted to be Grumpy Grace on my behalf.  She and I spend so much time together that I think that she sometimes forgets that I'm mommy and she has to listen to me.  I even did something that I always said I would never do the other day...I called her dad on her!  We go through these moments and really the field trip was a lot of fun.  The first picture is her girlfriends in her class.  They are all very sweet and she loves playing with them.  The one in the middle with the pink is the one that claims to be Michael Jackson's daughter...I don't know what do you think? 

This is Grace and her little friend Javon.  They have been in the same class now for 2 years and they love playing together. However, Grace has recently got a little agitated because he likes to be the sister and boys can't be sisters.  They are too sweet!

Grace's Pre K class.  Ms. Hart, her teacher, is on the right.  Grace has really been lucky to have great teachers at Stubbs.  Last year her teacher was Mrs. King and Grace continues to love her and look at her like she is a rock star.  Rock on King!

1 comment:

KK said...

How fun! Does she know if he's really dead?