Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fun in the Fall Sun

Every year we go to the Pumpkin Patch/Corn Maze with the girls.  It is always so much fun and it seems like everyone gets along when we do this.  The older the girls get the harder it is getting for everyone to get along.  Jaycee the oldest can barely tolerate Kennedy the middle child and Grace the baby starts acting like another child when her sisters come to stay with us.  But every year on this day for some reason we all have a blast!  I love my family even if it is complicated at times!

  I usually like picking out pumpkins in nice cool fall weather but this year was not the case. It was 95 degrees outside so the whole "fall feeling" was not there!
We also go through the corn maze and it is hilarious with these three girls.  This is my children of the corn picture!  They are always posing, scaring each other and even helping one another out when they get lost.  Me, I stay right behind my husband and my eyes are always on Grace.  I have no idea how he knows how to get through that maze but I'm sure glad he does because I would be stuck in corn land forever if it weren't for him.  It was a fun weekend even if it felt like summer outside. 


KK said...

Looks like fun. I'd come find you if you got lost in the corn :)

Deonne said...

LOVE the corn maze! These pics are SO cute!!!